Having pride in not just AS but the other conditions involved can be positive as well. I'm very open about my prosopagnosia because I have to be to function well. I will usually tell people I've met and know I'm likely to meet again that I have a condition that keeps me from seeing faces properly and apologize in advance if I don't know who they are next time we meet. I've never had a single negative reaction to this - everyone I've told has been very interested by it and want to know more about how it works. Another gentleman I know had a brain injury and can't remember names and told me that as soon as we met. He was very open about it and I was impressed.
I don't think having AS makes me better than an NT. There are some areas where I'm probably better off and some where I'm a lot worse off - everyone has strengths and weaknesses. I do have my moments of wishing others were Aspies so they could understand what's going on in my head, which is usually incredibly hard for an NT to do, and I have my moments of being really glad that I'm the only Aspie around because it gives me some advantages in that situation.
I hope that parents with high-functioning autistic or AS kids will teach them to have pride in who and what they are, to not be ashamed of their condition and hide it. It's so much easier for others to hurt you when you have a big secret. When you're out, loud and proud, they can't exactly hurt you because you're entirely comfortable about it. This is why it's so easy to gay bash someone who is seriously closeted and near impossible to use gayness against a very loud, out advocate.
Be happy and comfortable with who you are - have pride in being an Aspie!
For more information on Aspergers pride, please click here.
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